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opening hearts and eyes
to a thoughtful life


Seven Years

April 19, 2024

I used to be an elementary school teacher and ed-tech consultant; now I'm a mom of twins and aspiring children's book author.

This blog is a place for me to write about personal life experiences, gleanings from books I've recently read, past and current DIY projects, and reflective thoughts that need a home outside my heart. Here at HeartEyes, I am opening my heart and eyes to yet another new chapter of my life, and my hope is that by joining me here, your heart and eyes would be opened to a more thoughtful and intentional life.

Hi, i'm tiff!

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It’s been seven years,
Since the scariest day of my life.
With some years of struggling,
Some years of striving,
Some years of straining,
Some years of endeavoring.

Those first 3 years were hard,
The hardest years of my life.
So hard I thought I hated being a mom.
But I learned so much during that time.

I learned that it wasn’t that I hated being a mom.
I’ve just always been able to “control” my life.
But you two came as a pair,
And if that doesn’t scream “You are not in control,”
I don’t know what does.

But little by little, over the years,
I learned to let go.
I learned to let go of the need for control.
And interestingly, letting go of that need,
Actually made me feel more in control.

They talk about motherhood being a journey,
And I’ve realized it’s actually a parallel journey with you.
You’re on the journey of growth and life,
Of making sense of the world, and your role in it.
I’m on the journey of motherhood,
Of making sense of my world with you, and my role in it.

I’m so proud of you both,
For the sweet little humans you’ve become.
And I’m so proud of me,
For the compassionate mother I’ve become.

It’s been seven years,
Since my life changed for the better.
Every year, learning.
Every year, growing.
Every year, adjusting.
Every year, loving.

Happy Birthday, my babies.
I’m glad you were born.
There is nothing you could ever do,
That would make me love you less.
I love you today, tomorrow, forever and always.


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Pondering thoughts, personal life experiences, things I love, mental health, marriage life, and everything in between.



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Everything from my birth story to postpartum anxiety and depression, from c-section recovery to mom guilt and judgment. Prepare for raw and emotional posts!


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Gleanings from books I've read and podcasts I've been impressed with, with the occasional children's book recommendations!


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DIY project tutorials from six years of projects in my home! Very much a work in progress, migrating tutorials from my Instagram page to my blog!


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