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opening hearts and eyes
to a thoughtful life


2019. Bring it.

January 9, 2019

I used to be an elementary school teacher and ed-tech consultant; now I'm a mom of twins and aspiring children's book author.

This blog is a place for me to write about personal life experiences, gleanings from books I've recently read, past and current DIY projects, and reflective thoughts that need a home outside my heart. Here at HeartEyes, I am opening my heart and eyes to yet another new chapter of my life, and my hope is that by joining me here, your heart and eyes would be opened to a more thoughtful and intentional life.

Hi, i'm tiff!

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It’s a new year and it’s the first time ever where I’ve written on paper my personal goals for the quarter/year. My boss (yes, I started working again and it’s been exactly what I’ve needed), gave me a Goal Planner by Christy Wright and I am in love with it.

I love it not only because I am a planner and an organizational freak, but because of how it is thoughtfully formatted for you to set your specific goals, make sure they’re measurable and have deadlines, and then map those goals to every month, week, and day so you have specific tasks scheduled and laid out to work toward those goals.

Not only do you write down your personal goals, you also write down why you are setting each goal to make sure it’s really important to you.

All the heart eyes. This thing speaks my love language. Seriously.

So, 2019. Here goes:

GOAL #1: Write and post at least 4 blogposts per month. (Deadline: 12/31/19)
Why? It helps me process my emotions and experiences, and helps others not feel alone.

GOAL #2: Eat physically and spiritually at least 3 times a week before getting the twins in the morning. (Deadline: 4/1/19)
Why? I am physically and spiritually unhealthy.

GOAL #3: Have a set weekly/monthly meal plan for the family. (Deadline: 4/1/19)
Why? We are struggling with food ideas and efficiency.

GOAL #4: Read 2 books per month – 1 fun, 1 educational. (Deadline: 12/31/19)
Why? I want to read more for fun and to be more educated.

GOAL #5: Do something thoughtful for the husband at least once a month. (Deadline 12/31/19)
Why? Our marriage needs work.

BONUS GOAL #6: Write one thing I’m grateful for once a week. (Deadline: (12/31/19)
Why? I’ve been super negative and bogged down with on-and-off anxiety and depression for the past 2 years and I need work on changing my perspective on life.

Initially as New Year’s approached, I was rolling my eyes at all the posts from everyone being excited about 2019 being their best year yet. I was not excited in the least.

But now that I have mapped out specific things to work toward, I’m surprisingly looking forward to this year. Maybe 2019 will be the year where I turn my life around and really crush this thing called motherhood.

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  1. Audrey says:

    You got this, girl!! ❤️

  2. […] in January, I set 6 goals for the first quarter/year. This is a blogpost about the current status of those goals: […]

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Pondering thoughts, personal life experiences, things I love, mental health, marriage life, and everything in between.



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Everything from my birth story to postpartum anxiety and depression, from c-section recovery to mom guilt and judgment. Prepare for raw and emotional posts!


Books + Podcasts

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Gleanings from books I've read and podcasts I've been impressed with, with the occasional children's book recommendations!


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DIY project tutorials from six years of projects in my home! Very much a work in progress, migrating tutorials from my Instagram page to my blog!


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